Idalee is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Maryland since 2011 having received her degree from Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2011. Idalee received her bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin Madison in Psychology. She then received a Master's degree at University of Maryland College Park School of Education in Human Development. She then proceeded to complete all of her coursework for a PhD in Clinical Psychology specializing in Children. She is a certified Acudetox specialist through the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association.
Idalee has studied with many of the great teachers during her years as an acupuncturist. She learned pediatrics from Steven Cohen, Infertility with Radine Lewis, Channel Theory & Gynecology with Giovanni Maciocia, Master Tung's acupuncture for pain from Master Tung, Pulse Theory with Lonny Jarrett, and Japanese Style acupuncture with Kiiko Mastsumoto.
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