We are located in the heart of historic Towson, Maryland. Our peaceful space, in the midst of this active business community, is a sanctuary for the body and soul. Our wellness center treats many manifestations of illness in modern society from pain relief to anxiety and depression with the use of acupuncture, massage and traditional chinese medicine. We offer an array of personalized treatments to help our clients understand the inherent wisdom and self-healing power that lies within each person.
We are like-minded practitioners with a grand vision based upon the belief that peace within leads to peace without, and we seek to spread that peace to one person at a time. Our mission is to cultivate self-awareness and intentionality in ourselves and in our clients. Through acupuncture, massage, alternative treatments and education, we each learn to take responsibility for our own wellness and make mindful choices in our lives for the sake of all beings. We invite you to join our mission and find your personal peace with the help of our trained practitioners and therapists.
Satori is a Japanese word often found in association with Zen concepts. It is seen as the key to enlightenment. It enriches us and brings a sense of balance and perspective to our lives.
Here at our wellness center, our intention is to foster an experience of Satori for you. Our vision is to create a community where our clients are empowered towards health in body, mind and spirit. Through traditional acupuncture, massage therapy, workshops and other therapeutic modalities, we provide opportunities for transformation, healing, and self-discovery.